

    • 企业信息
    • 在招职位
        Victorial Regal Zhejiang Hotel is a deluxe business hotel constructed according to international 5 star hotel standards strictly, which is invested by Spanish Overseas Chinese Association corperately. Our hotel will be opened at the October of Golden Fall and even valued for your anticipations.It located at the prosperous culture and commercial center of Hangzhou, which is next to West Lake with good landscape and nearby Wu Montain plaza and Hefang street with hundreds-year histories, 5 mins from Railway Station and 20 mins from Xiao Montain international airdrome, the perfect orientation no matter what tourism or bussiness affairs both make you felt convenient and enjoyable completely.The Hotel features a total of 200 rooms with superb views of either urban surroundings or the great inner space. Appointed to meet the needs of business travelers as well as guests on a more leisurely schedule, high speed internet access by cable and wireless, multi purpose big office desks, electrographs and safe boxes , plus super LCD screen TV and motile audiovisuals equiped in each room.Deluxe Cantonese and new style of Hang's cuisine created by Chinese proficient chef is absolutely to be preferred within sumptuous Chinese Restaurant,with brand private and traditional official dishes will be offered your attempt of topst Chinese cate. The Bandao Buffet dinning would feature both an a la carte menu of west cuisine and an elaborate daily buffet offering with various delicious foods. Much appreciate for your attentions to our hotel and any necessary we are so honor to be of assistant.浙江维多利亚丽嘉酒店位于风景优美秀丽的西子湖畔,地处杭州商业、文化、金融、交通为中心的黄金地段延安路89号,东邻银泰百货,南傍吴山广场和百年特色街区清河坊,西靠西湖及时尚街区南山路,北衔西湖大道。距萧山国际机场20分钟.步行至西湖仅5分钟,地理位置十分优越。    酒店按照国际五星级标准建造设计,总建筑面积20000余平方米,特邀新加坡著名设计师为酒店进行室内设计,秉承时尚舒适的现代风格,为住客提供了一家品位与品质并重的精英型家居酒店。酒店楼高7层,具备各类豪华舒适的客房179间,能让每一位光临酒店的顾客都有宾至如归的感觉。高贵典雅,别具一格的酒店大堂,为宾客提供方便快捷的入店手续.    秉承“以人为本、以诚取信、以客为先、以质取胜”的服务是浙江维多利亚丽嘉酒店的宗旨。酒店于2007年底正式营业,我们将为每一位加入我们酒店的员工提供广阔的发展平台和良好的培训机会,同时,酒店将提供优越的福利待遇和员工住宿设施。欢迎广大酒店行业人员和各大专院校应届毕业生加入我们的行列共同发展!    注:本酒店聘用员工要求身体健康。 ...查看全部


    地 址:杭州市延安路89号