
Duty Manager 值班经理

  • 上海-闵行区
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 技能培训
  • 节日礼物
  • 希尔顿员工价
  • 英语培训
  • 团队建设
  • 人性化管理
Checks and controls room reservations, frontoffice systems, supplies inventory, scheduling, forecasting and department budgetto maximize revenue. Compile and prepares financial reports, including: rateand availability calendar.
关注房间预订情况,及时更新系统相关信息,确保利润最大化,准备财务报表 。
Communicates with guests and team membersboth verbally and in writing to answer questions and provide clear direction inadvising and instructing staff in details of work. Organizes, conducts and / orattends meetings to obtain and disseminate pertinent information.
Implements and monitors all corporatemarketing programs to include HHonors, Senior HHonors etc.
Leads andmotivates team members by leading by example and employing competent andconsistent management practices.
Takes responsibility of the hotel as the DutyManager in the absence of the Director of Operations or General Manager orFront Office Manager.
Identifies needs and training requirements of teammembers. Actively takes part in training the team, facilitating formal trainingsessions and on the job training to ensure that all team members are of thesame standard. Also attends training where and when required
考察团队成员的训练需求。积极地参加职业培训, 让员工保持水平一致。
Acts as a coach and mentor to team members,reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strivefor established targets.
Responsible for maintaining and deliveringdiscipline amongst managers and team members, ensuring consistency inaccordance with the team member handbook, UAE Labour Law and HR guidelines.Distributes appropriate discipline when and where required.
Keeps up to date files on all team members,ensuring that team members’ progress, successes and failures can be tracked andmonitored for praise of correction.
Responsible for the departments succession planningand development of high potential team members to ensure that all team membersare trained to progress to the next level of their career.
Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing newideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative toprovide quality service and customer care to team members and guests.
Responsible for the smooth induction andfacilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trainedto the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their joband that they know what is expected of them.
Communicates results from TMOS, SALT, QA, informingthe team of results, areas of weakness and strength and the following action.
熟悉TMOS,SALT ,QA 报告,告之团队成员所存在的问题,强处和弱处,以及接下来要做的事情。
Creating awarm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected andimmediately “at-home” when they arrive.
Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, takingthe necessary action, and informing the Guest Relations Manager for follow up,where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction withproblem resolution.
Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specificpreferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation.
Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the BusinessDevelopment team to handle corporate guests and contracts.
Promotes HHonors and its associated benefits toguests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existingHHonors members receive personal and professional service that recognizes themas important guests and that their benefits are received.
Ensures that guests’ profiles and information isinput in to the Police Report system in a timely and accurate way.
Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and everyaction, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should becarried out in a practical setting.
Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and servicesas well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other propertiesin China.
Is up to date with information on facilities,attractions, and places of interest, sights and activities in and around Hotel.
Ensures communication, coordination and cooperationbetween the front desk and other operating departments, specificallyHousekeeping, F&B and Accounts.
Maintains the hotel systems to ensure accuracy ofinformation and data, and that it is easy to use and operated in an organizedand systemized way. Also Ensures that the Front Desk equipment and systems arefunctioning at all times, and that the area is maintained in a clean, tidy andorganized way.
Passes on information effectively, ensuring thatall necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that anypending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Conducts dailybriefings, shift handovers, attends meetings and effectively communicatesinformation to team members.
Ensures that theFront Desk Manager is kept aware and up to date of operational issues.
Over-supervise and take the Manager role when the Front Desk Manager,GRM, ChiefConcierge, Executive Lounge Manager, Operator Manager is not available, to ensure that the day-to-day functions ofthe relevant departments are completed. Including but not limited to therelevant checklists, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up,allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and ratediscrepancies, and registration cards.
Completes reports where and when requested,ensuring that they are complete and delivered on time to the respected party,including the month end report.
Ensures that the team member in charge of therequisitions keeps the front desk stocked and maintained with requisitions andthat par levels are maintained and stock tracked.
Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activitiesin order to be proactive and create market advantage.
Ensure that the department adheres to the hotelselling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrity byoffering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests.
Monitors hotel benchmarks (TMOS, QA, SALT) evaluateperformance and results, take corrective action and constantly strive forimprovement. Reviews on a continual basis and formulates action plans in orderto drive results.
管理酒店(TMOS,QA, SALT)评估的结果,为要改进做的地方做出行动。
Conducts regular meetings with key departmentalmanagers to review business trends and discuss departmental issues, takingaction where necessary.
Adheres strictly to standard cash handlingprocedures amongst team members, ensuring that all team members balance theirfloat and drop the required amount.
Adheres to the company credit policy at all timeswhen handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currencyexchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&Band any other charges that may be incurred by guests.
Maintains safety deposit boxes, ensuring thatguests’ valuables are safe and secure at all times.
Follows up on outstanding accounts to ensure noloss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations.
Maintains the efficiency of departure by checkingall guests’ folios to ensure accuracy of charges.
Manages costs effectively by minimizing andcontrolling expenses.
Managers and approves rebates, refunds anddiscounts where applicable.
Maintains awareness of sales opportunities withinthe hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuringthe guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards.
Activelypromotes up selling and creates opportunities when allocating room inventory andmanaging demand to ensure maximum revenue generation where available. Managesthe department in order to create the maximum opportunity for up selling,tracking the performance and devising strategies.
Assimilate into The Hilton Family PRIDE/CAREculture through understanding, supporting and participating in all elements ofPRIDE/CARE. Demonstrate working knowledge of the service standards.

