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南湖名都大酒店,由南宁港昌房地产有限公司按照国际五星级标准投资兴建的豪华商务大型酒店,秉承洲际酒店集团设计的优雅浪漫和低调奢华,为高端商旅提供一切所需。酒店坐落于南宁琅东五象商圈,毗邻南湖公园,南宁地标性建筑地王大厦、国际会展中心均在千米之内,酒店周边分布着高档夜生活区和南湖公园区,还有万象城、航洋国际、万达广场、沃尔玛、华润万家等高端型城市综合体。MingDu Lakeside Hotel is a luxury hotel invested andconstructed by Nanning Gangchang Real Estate Corp Ltd based on internationalfive-star hotel standards; elegant, romantic, while modestly luxurious inaccordance with usual star-hotel standards; facilitating all needs of high-endbusiness travel purposes. The hotel is situated within the Nanning Langdong andWuxiang Trade Area, neighboring the Nanhu National Park; while iconic landmarkssuch as the Diwang Mansion, and the International Convention Centre are allwithin a kilometer range. Surrounding the Hotel there are high-end night lifedistricts and Nanhu Lake Park districts; as well as shopping malls includingHangyang International Corp, the Wanda Plaza, Wal-Mart, and CR Vanguard.    酒店共有客房433间。客房的设计以现代简约格调为主线,力求在都市的喧嚣中完美呈现优雅浪漫的居住品质。抹茶绿色系的背景墙加以碎花点缀,纯棉质感大床呼应素白天花板,成为简约派设计师笔下的细作。高档木质书桌搭配真皮座椅,全羊毛进口地毯配以森系布艺沙发,充分彰显现代质感的生活格调。免费高速WIFI,24小时贴身管家悉心打点一切,周到的细节服务理念让您尊享贴心服务。浴室均配备双接式电话机,原装进口亚克白打造精美浴缸,上等大理石锻造品质洗漱台,点滴之处尽显星级酒店的大行风范。银白色的台灯透漏着点点微光,映衬出房内优雅浪漫的细节立体质感。全湖景无瑕疵的臻品落地窗,俯瞰邕城、青秀山、南湖、邕江四景,私享低调奢华的宜居空间。Prompt hospitality, graceful Chinesetouches, and elegant design blend in exquisite harmony at Nanning's prime area,Ming Du Lakeside Hotel Nanning. The hotel possesses an extraordinary locationat the heart of the city. Residing by the city's most famous lake, guests findthemselves just a short walk from the lake with its famed attraction includingthe Exotic Tree Park. Mingdu Lakeside Hotel Nanning features 426 rooms andsuites, exuding the warm ambiance that characterizes the entire property. Otherhotel facilities include the heated swimming pool, gym, 2 restaurants, loungebar, and extensive event facilities. With a convenient central downtownlocation in the Qingxiu District, Mingdu Lakeside Hotel Nanning is a perfectchoice as a business hotel or event venue in addition to its immense appeal toleisure travelers.    — 地面50层地下5层,高达250米,南宁最高层酒店。 50 floors over ground and 5 underground, 250 meters in height; thetallest Hotel in Nanning.— 65000多平米总建筑面积,1500余个停车位。 Approximately65,000square meters overall in floorage; with more than 1500 parking spaces available.— 433间各景观客房,超大观景窗无遮挡俯瞰邕城四景:林、山、湖、江尽收眼里。 433 bedroomsavailable forall views; enormous sightseeing window allows thorough outlook of the fourscenes of Yongcheng: forest, mountains, lakes, and rivers— 透视浴室搭设豪华浴缸,配备全系 汉斯格雅奢华卫浴,尽显高雅浪漫细节。 Transparent bathroombuilt with gorgeous bath tub, all fittings from Hansgrohe; high-class equipmentfull of fine details— 广西最大恒温泳池,进口水循环系统保持水质清洁,在水中放飞心灵。 Owns the largest heated swimming pool in the Guangxi Province,fitted with high-end imported water-circulation system which keeps the waterquality clean and purified; a tranquil environment to relax the body andrelieve the soul.— 商务会议室、多功能宴会厅可容纳800人同时会议及用餐。 Business meeting roomsand multi-functional dining halls can serve up to 800 people at the same time— 中式餐厅、千叶日式料理、景湖轩全日制餐厅,1200余个餐位敬献环球美食。 Chinese restaurants, LakeView All-Day Dining serve world-wide delicacy; with more than 1200seatingspaces available酒店拥有位于48-50层广西最高层中餐厅,因尊贵而舒适、高空云际中工作而浪漫、彰显极品的工作环境是绅士们和淑女们的首选,酒店广纳贤才;恳诚恭迎远在长三角、珠三角经济圈中无数广西籍优秀的酒店业中、高层管理精英、经验纯熟的督导级、技能优秀的员工级,回归八桂家乡吧;更翘首寄语:年年远赴省外高星级酒店实习的八桂学子们,那春来复苏的杜鹃花,又将山岗映红,家乡静静地庭院,还留着您离家前的笑声,远去终年是漂泊、异乡无人知冷暖、双亲驻足常常盼,回归八桂在家乡;前30年看广东、后40年看广西:今日家乡是东盟13+1国际经济圈核心所在、21世纪海上丝绸之路和西南诸省经济出海口,家乡的高铁线总长是全国第一、率先实现城市之间全通高速动车、家乡有无限的工作前途和巨大的职业发展平台,家乡有再现广西韶华岁月的事业激情所在。Wehave top Chinese restaurant of Guangxi province located at 48-50 layer, becauseof the noble and comfortable, working in the high altitude among clouds and romantic,reveal the best working environment is the first choice for the gentlemen andladies. Now we are in recruitment. Warmly welcome Guangxi management elite, experiencedsupervisor and  excellent skill staff backto home working. Year after year, the College students who go to the otherprovince, Cuckoo of spring blossoms, home garden also keep your laughter. Butnobody take care of you in other province, your parents miss you very much. Theprevious 30 years, the choice in Guangdong, after 30 years, the choice inGuangxi. Today's home is the core of ASEAN 13 + 1international economic circle ,the economic sea gate of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Southwest Provinces. Hometownhas longest high-wire. All cities in Guangxi rate through high-speed rail, sothere are unlimited job prospects and great career development and careerpassion in Guangxi.    竭诚欢迎中大专院校洽谈建立教学实习/就业基地,共创学子和院校精诚团结、校企合作的双赢局面。Welcome to negotiate the establishmentof teaching practice or employment base in our hotel, creating a win-winsituation between the school , student and hotel.    酒店业中的广西籍人士,无论职级、性别、年龄,请加“廣西高星級酒店-總群”QQ:92247829,职业信息共享、凝聚人脉资源、互相提携,塑造八桂学子精彩前途。...查看全部


地 址:南宁市青秀区双拥路30号


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