西郊宾馆是上海最大的花园别墅式五星级国宾馆,全园占地1200亩,其中草地面积120亩、水面200亩,古树名木逾10余万株(棵)是一座以自然野趣为特色的生态式园林。 完善的配套设施 宾馆拥有客房260余间(套),此外各式餐厅、大小会议室、体育中心及各项娱乐设施一应俱全.沪上首屈一指的高规格会议中心为整个宾馆添加了高贵庄严的气息。载入史册的经典建筑 为配合宾馆园林式的整体风格,宾馆的建筑均控制在4层以下,拥有110余栋别墅,其中40年代罕见的现代派别墅、80年代江南风格的主体建筑都作为建筑经典载入了中国现代建筑史。 有意者请将个人简历、近照、资历证明(学历、等级证书)复印件、身份证复印件邮寄至上海西郊宾馆,上海虹桥路1921号,200336,人力资源部收或电子邮件发。我们将安排符合条件者面试,未收到面试通知及暂不录用者的简历概不退还。 上海西郊宾馆热诚邀请您的加盟。 公司网站: 地 址:上海市虹桥路1921号 邮政编码:200336 电子邮箱 XIJIAO STATE GUEST HOTEL was built in 1960, belonging to Shanghai DONGHU (Group) Company, which is the largest garden villa-style five-star hotel. 260 executive rooms offer the captivating Garden view,hundred villas and wonderful function hall combine both home feeling and business perfectly together. XIJIAO entertained hundred celebrities & politicians from all over the world and it is one of the representative and indispensable place for Shanghai government.XIJIAO needs you! Here, where you can show your capability, where you can own your stage, where you starts your career. Join in us if you are the one – with 100% passion of hospitality industry. Web: Address:No.1921 Hongqiao Road Code:200336查看全部