

    • 企业信息
    • 在招职位
    北京宝麓观堂酒店,是德胧酒店集团旗下高奢品牌酒店,坐落于首都北京,位于怀柔区范崎路66号雁栖河畔,定位顶级侘寂风园林度假酒店。酒店室内设计由地标RCD酒店设计院金峥院长亲自操刀,设计灵感来自于酒店在地的古长城文化,注重山野林间,溪畔幽径的风景刻画,将对时间的尊重,刻入酒店的设计中。The Beijing Yanqi Lake Maison New Century Hotel & Resort is a luxury hotel belonging to the Delonix Hotel Group. It is situated in the capital city of Beijing, specifically located at No. 66 Fanqi Road, Huairou District belong the Yanqi River. This resort hotel prides itself on being a luxury Wabi-Sabi garden retreat. The interior design of the hotel was personally overseen by Jin Zheng, Director of RCD Design Institute, and draws inspiration from ancient Great Wall culture. Emphasizing the beauty of mountains and forests, it skillfully captures scenic depictions of winding creeks while paying homage to time through intricate details incorporated into its design.北京雁栖湖开元名庭度假酒店,将1.4万平方米的园林返还给大自然,仅留4000平方米,做为宾客的居停空间。室内空间与室外园林景观交织呼应,最大尺度的将自然光线、空气、声音、景观引入到室内。酒店重新定义新时代的服务精神,专职管家为顾客留足属于自己的时间和空间,将服务做到顾客看不到的地方。57间风格各异的客房坐落在园林之中,并在园林之中配备私享停车位。The Beijing Yanqi Lake Maison New Century Hotel & Resort will restore 14,000 square meters of gardens to their natural state, reserving only 4,000 square meters for guest staying. The interior space seamlessly integrates with the outdoor landscape, allowing for an abundant influx of natural light, air, sound, and scenery within its premises on a grand. We redefines the service ethos of the modern era by providing full-time butlers who discreetly cater to guests\' needs while preserving their own time and space for guests. Nestled amidst the garden are 57 uniquely styled rooms complete with private parking facilities.酒店为宾客提供多间特色餐厅, 24小时提供融合时尚美食的餐酒馆【湖畔餐厅】;为宾客演绎定制私房菜的【芙蕖】;可享受精致下午茶,偷得浮生半日闲的【咖啡吧】;仅在夏秋季节营业的【美式BBQ户外酒吧】。主厨更是为宾客精心设计了,丰富美味的野餐篮,或溪畔或草坪或林荫,可随处休憩享用;The hotel provides guests with a range of specialty restaurants, such as the 24-hour Hu Restaurant offering Fusion Cuisine; Fu Qu, which allows guests to enjoy personalized private dishes; A coffee bar for indulging in exquisite afternoon tea and leisurely moments; and an exclusive American BBQ Outdoor Bar that is only open during summer and fall. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the chef\'s carefully designed diverse and delicious picnic basket that can be enjoyed at various locations - by the stream, on the lawn or in shaded areas.我们也是宠物友好酒店,我们依照德胧酒店集团旗下酒店专业的“萌宠毛孩子服务标准”专门为萌宠毛孩子们准备了各式游乐场所,精心打造数间萌宠友好客房,订制萌宠健康美食。We are also a pet-friendly hotel. In accordance with the professional "Pet-Furry Children Service Standard" of Delonix Hotel Group, we have meticulously designed various play areas for pets, thoughtfully constructed multiple rooms that cater to their needs, and tailored nutritious meals specifically for them.酒店同时配有可同时容纳100人的多功能厅,可以举办户外婚礼、酒会的大草坪,专业的健身房和儿童活动室。The hotel is also equipped with a multi-purpose hall capable of accommodating up to 100 individuals simultaneously, an expansive lawn suitable for hosting outdoor weddings and cocktail parties, a state-of-the-art fitness center, and a dedicated children\'s activity room.来北京雁栖湖开元名庭度假酒店,在古长城脚下享受安静私密的园林时光。Enjoy quiet and private time at the foot of the ancient Great Wall at Maison New Century Resort Beijing Yanqi Lake....查看全部

