

  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 包吃包住
  • 人性化管理
  • 企业信息
  • 在招职位
东莞石碣富盈酒店,由东莞富盈集团投资兴建,石碣镇唯一一家五星级标准,是一个富有理想的团队,充满着追求创新的进取精神和蓬勃向上的朝气酒店为每一位员工提供可持续发展的机会和空间,努力创造公平竞争的环境。Cinese Hotel Dongguan Shijie was construct by Cinese Group Dongguan, Our Five-Star hotel in the Shijie. It is a excellent group. Otherwise, our hotel will offer Sustainable development opportunities and create a fair competition environment.酒店提供富有竞争力的薪酬,周到且人性化的福利政策:Hotel offers competitive salary, thoughtful and humanized welfare policy: 1.员工宿舍:免费提供宿舍(4人间空调房),内设独立洗手间、阳台、衣柜、 24小时提供冷热水,24小时保安值班管理,安全便利。Staff dormitory: we supply the dormitory (4-8person/ air conditioning room) for free, which includes the bedding, separate bathroom, balcony, hest, 24 hours provide the hot and cold water and 24 hours security duty management, which is safe and convenient. 2. 员工餐厅:免费提供工作餐,集川湘粤口味,专业厨师主理,按照每天营养菜单进行安排搭配。Staff canteen: we supply the meal for free, gathering the Sichuan, Hunan and Cantonese taste, cooking by the professional chef with the nutritional menu every day. 3.员工培训:设有多功能影音培训室,定期为员工提供专业的酒店管理培训、服务行业相关知识的培训、语言培训、岗位操作技能培训等。Staff training: we have the multifunctional video training room and supply the professional training about hotel management at fixed period. 4.员工假期:每周休息1.5天,每满一年有5天有薪年假,一年有11天有薪法定假,婚假、产假等按国家有关规定及结合酒店行业特点执行。Staff holidays: we have 1.5 days of rest in a week, 5 days of paid annual leave in a year, and 11 days of paid legal false in a year. The marriage leave and maternity leave we are according to the provisions of the state and hotel industry. 5.员工晋升:酒店员工提供广阔的公正、公平的晋升机会,管理层80%内部晋升,且提供相关专业管理技巧课程。Staff promotion: we supply the wide, fair and balanced promoting opportunities to our staffs. The 80% of our managers are from internal promotion, and we supply the related professional management courses. 6.酒店每月为寿星举办生日活动,并举办各种有益的企业文化活动,丰富员工业余生活;   We hold birthday parties monthly for god of longerities monthly, and also a    variety of beneficial cultural activities to enrich staff afterhours life; 7.保险:根据有关规定购买社会保险。Insurance: we buy the social insurance according to the policy.有意者请持有效身份证、学历证书原件、相关资格证书及一寸免冠彩色近照1张到人力资源部面试。联系电话:0769-8638 8888 (转) 6518/6519Interested parties can bring valid identity certificate, original degree certificate,related certificates and one recent color photographs of an inch without hat for an interview.Tel: 0769-8638 8888 (turn) 6518/6519面试时间:逢周一至周五上午08:30-12:00;下午13:30-17:00 Interview time: every Monday to Friday at 08:30-12:00;13:30-17:00...查看全部


地 址:广东省东莞市石碣镇东风中路一号(华润广场对面)


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